Jälki - kirjoituksia valokuvasta
Collection of essays, 246 pages
S&S, 2022

Texts on photography by a new generation of artists

Photograph is a trace of light and the things that come in its path. It is always also a trace of the of the society in which it is made. Photographs leave their mark on us and contribute to the cultural debate.

In this collection, ten photographers write about photography both drawing from their own work and from the theory of photography. They explore new ways of understanding this art form, which is often intertwined with the pressing issues of our time. The essays encounter, among others, a woman who survived the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory, a human-looking robot and a portrait of the Earth taken during a space mission. They also address the visual dimension of pregnancy, autofiction and the queer gaze in photography.

Hanna Weselius is an award-winning writer, photographer and artist doctorate. She is a university lecturer in photography at Aalto University. The other authors of the collection are Laura Böök, Eeva Hannula, Utu-Tuuli Jussila, Kastehelmi Korpijaakko, Aura Saarikoski,
Noora Sandgren, Maija Annikki Savolainen, Maija Tammi and Nita Vera. They have all studied photography at Aalto University which is one of the Nordic leaders in the field.

Information about the book on publisher's website

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